Monday, June 04, 2007

Now Where's Lou?

The Cubs are trailing Milwaukee in the first game of a three-game series, so let's get back to something important.

I still think the best part of the Piniella-Wegner duet occurred when Lou kicked his cap. His own cap. He kicked it twice.

Now Lou has to complete four days of rehab.

It ain't fair. He shouldn't get four days for kicking his own cap. I could understand it if he had kicked Wegner's cap. But his own cap? I kick my own cap, and no one pays any attention.

On the other hand, it doesn't seem all that bad for someone to punish you by forbidding you to work. My problem is that some boss is always telling me to do more work.

Lou also got fined $4000.

That's serious punishment. I'm sorry Lou, but if you need a loan, I can't help. Four thousand kopeks is a tall pile of change.

I just checked with Pat and Ron. The Cubs now lead the Brew Boys 6-2 in the seventh.

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