Saturday, June 23, 2007

Appraisal 360

If you decide to start a Mom and Pop business, you already know both employees. But what do you do when you need to expand the business and hire more workers?

Most firms review CVs, looking at each applicant's job history and references. These tell you what happened in the past, but what tells you how well an applicant will get along with customers, suppliers, and other employees in the future?

You need some way to predict how well people will work with others. Appraisal 360 provides an online tool that can help you make this prediction. This easy-to-use tool is called 360 degree feedback.

Both employers and employees can use this tool to measure factors such as self-motivation, self-awareness, and the ability to support others. All these factors are crucial to how well a new employee will interact with all the people involved in a new work situation.

No one is suggesting that an employer should throw out the CVs and job references. But Appraisal 360 provides a useful tool to help an employer pick just the right person for a new job.

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