Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Lindsay Lohan Cleans Her Toilet!

According to various sources, Lindsay Lohan has checked into a Mormon rehab center in Orem, Utah. The center, which is called the Cirque Lodge, gets big bucks from rich and famous drunks and addicts.

As part of her therapy, LL cleans her room. Her room contains a toilet, so she cleans that too. I clean my toilet, but I don't have to pay the Mormons before I do it. Lindsay also washes her clothes and dishes.

In order to receive all this high-powered therapy, LL, or somebody, is allegedly paying the Mormons $30,000 a day.

I have a big house. I'd rent LL a room where she could sleep, clean, and wash for half what the Cirque Lodge charges. I'd rent her the whole house for only $15,000 a day.

To make sure she has all the room she needs, I'll move to Rio until LL is cured of whatever disease she has.

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