Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Appraisal360 has found many uses for 360 degree feedback. One of these helps individual employees of businesses and organizations improve their professional development.

But now, together with Right Key Coaching, has developed a new 360 degree feedback program for personal and lifestyle coaches. By using this new tool, these professionals can help their clients increase their self-confidence and self-esteem.

The problem that haunts many talented individuals is that they lack self-confidence. This, in turn, stunts their individual growth. They fail to achieve as much as they could, which is unfortunate for them and for those around them.

People trapped by low self-confidence tend to expect less of themselves than they should. Use of the new 360 degree feedback product can help these individuals understand that other people have much higher perceptions of them. This new understanding of how others see them can build their self-esteem and thereby increase their personal growth and achievements.

For more information about 360 degree feedback, logon to

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