Monday, October 15, 2007

Boston-Cleveland Bug Match

The Boston Red Sox and the Cleveland Indians are locked in a duel to the finish in the American League Championship Series (AKA part 2 of the playoffs). The two teams have identical win-loss records of 96-66 in the regular season, and both have records of 1-1 in the ALCS. Both teams can't play in the World Series. What will happen? I have no idea.

I do know that if the bugs return from Lake Erie to Jacobs Field for game 3, many ballplayers may be driven over the edge. In the sort of restrained way that Boston pitcher Daisuke Matsuzaka talks about matters of this sort, he said, "If there were those bugs, it would be difficult to maintain concentration." That's a discreet way of saying that both pitchers might want to build a bonfire somewhere in the vicinity of second base.

If you have tickets for the game at Cleveland, you might make some spare change if you smuggled a box of bug spray into Jacobs Field.

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