Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Window Blinds for the Inept Male

Whenever I move to a new address–house, condo, or apartment–I never know how to dress the windows. I have no skill for interior decorating. When this skill is required, I’m a total failure.
If the previous residents have left blinds on the windows, I always leave them exactly as they are. If they’re ugly, dirty, or poorly installed, I take no notice. As long as they let the light in or keep it out, that’s all I ask. In the morning I get dressed and open the blinds. At night, I reverse that process. These are my only two skills with window blinds.

If the previous residents have left the windows naked, giving me no civilized way to change clothes or dry off after a shower, I go into panic mode. Fortunately, help is available online at http://www.guaranteedblinds.com/.

GUARANTEEDblinds.com offers a wide variety of window blinds and shades at http://www.guaranteedblinds.com/page/products/. In fact, this company has too many options for a guy like me who has only a vague understanding of cellular shades, pleated shades, sliding panels, and many others choices.

But GUARANTEEDblinds.com has provided help for the inept male such as me. I click on the name of any kind of shades or blinds I care to, and a page appears that contains photographs and printed material that show and tell you everything you need to know about the color, appearance, and cost of every option that interests you.

Now your inept narrator enters dangerous territory. My eye-hand coordination is somewhat less than that of a turtle. Once again, GUARANTEEDblinds.com comes to my aid. I click on http://www.guaranteedblinds.com/page/measuring/, where I learn everything I need to know about measuring the windows for the required blinds or shades I’ve chosen.

Finally, with trembling hands, I contemplate installing my new blinds. I click on http://www.guaranteedblinds.com/page/installation/, where I learn that I can follow illustrated directions for every variety of blinds or shades sold by GUARANTEEDblinds.com.

And if I try and fail, I can always call my friend Howard. He’s a carpenter. What are friends for?

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