Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Heart Rate Monitors

Having reached the age when the condition of my heart is a matter of concern for me (and my doctor), I go out five days a week and huff and puff my way along the sidewalks of my neighborhood for thirty minutes. After ten or fifteen minutes, I stop to check my pulse, which should be elevated to at least 100 beats per minute. According to my doctor, this regimen will lower my blood pressure, lower my pulse rate when not huffing and puffing, and keep me alive long enough to collect my fair share of my retirement annuity.

All this is just fine. I check my pulse while exercising, but what is that pulse the rest of the day? I don’t know. I never remember to check. How do I know if all this exercise is doing any good? I don’t know. I need some accurate way to check my pulse when exercising and when not. I need to know about Heart Rate Monitors.

At this point, EverthingFitness.com enters this heroic narrative. Like many Americans, I’m a gadget freak. If you want to give another gadget freak a Christmas present that will help improve his or her health, consider a heart rate monitor from EverythingFitness.com. Strapped and strapless monitors are available from a variety of suppliers. If you’re seeking a gift for a biker, rock climber, or an old huffer and puffer like me, you’ll find what you need at EverythingFitness.com.

I intend to draw the attention of my children to this matter. You must have at least one friend or relative whose health would benefit from a heart rate monitor.

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