Saturday, December 23, 2006

Amazon Shorts sells Amazon Shorts online for 49 cents each. Numerous categories are available, including entertainment, sports, travel, humor, fiction, mysteries, and others. To see a complete list, go to and do a search for “Amazon Shorts.” Every time a reader buys an Amazon Short, the writer’s account receives credit for 40 percent of the sale (19.6 cents). The money you make depends entirely on how many readers buy your piece. But before that, you have to submit your story or article and the editorial staff decides whether to accept or reject it. The length of each piece ranges from 2000 to 10,000 words.

I’ve submitted three short stories, and the editors have accepted all three. It helps if you have a book or books sold through Your storys or essays advertize your books, which are listed below your photograph and the summary you provide to convince the reader to buy your short piece. As an example, click on “Mystery & Thrillers” and scroll down to The Plot and/or Chips. Click on the icon, and my mug shot and the introductory material I provided will leap off the screen. If you decide to buy the story, it remains yours forever. You can read it online, print it out, or download it to your computer (and I’ll make 19.6 cents; thank you). If you don't like mysteries, you'll find a comic short story with Minutes.

The Amazon Shorts program is still young, and I wouldn’t want to predict anything about it. But I think that for both readers and writers, it’s worth taking a look.

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