Sunday, May 13, 2007

Cubs Versus Mets

As we approach the game on Monday, let’s try to ignore the fact that the Mets have a win-loss record over 150 points better than that of the Cubs. Look on the bright side. The Mets don’t have Roger Clemens in the bullpen, cooling his heels at a million dollars an hour.

Things could be a lot worse. The great Chicago fire was worse. Al Capone was worse, until you got thirsty. Then he didn’t seem so bad, unless you were Dion O’Bannion.

See. Look on the bright side, if there is one. The Cubs might win. I might get an income tax refund larger than what Clemens makes while tying his shoes. Not likely, but maybe someone at the IRS will make a mistake.

Look on the bright side.

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