Thursday, May 17, 2007

The Boys of Winter

How could a professional baseball team go into the ninth inning with a 5-1 lead and give the game away? Only the Cubs could do what they did against the New York Mets this afternoon.

It doesn't matter who the closer was. Any Cub pitcher would have performed in exactly the same way.

The Chicago Cubs are The Boys of Winter.

The Cubs lose and keep on losing. They lose regardless of how good the players are, how good the coaches and manager are, and how good Wrigley Field looks when the whole sky is as blue as it ever will be.

And what about the rest of us chumps, the fans? Why do we curse the hapless Cubs every night and get off the El at Addison Street the next afternoon?

It has something to do with Chicago. It's hot as hell in the summer and cold as hell in the winter. The politicians have always been corrupt and always will be. We learn how to think as children, and we all think alike.

Our criminals are the worst in the history of the world. Our streets and expressways stink worse than the stockyards ever did. We're demolishing the most beautiful buildings in America and replacing them with the ugliest.

What other baseball team could represent Chicago better than the Cubs? None. The Cubs are the worst possible because we wanted the worst we could get, and we got them.

See you tomorrow afternoon when the trouble starts again.

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