If you would like to obtain a marketing degree, but don't have the time to attend classes at a traditional college or university, you might want to consider the option of earning your degree through online courses. Students in search of graduate and undergraduate degrees are taking increased interest in this form of learning. Unlike students in traditional campus settings, these students pursue their higher-education goals online, without having to leave their jobs, families, and homes. One educational institution that offers accredited online learning opportunities is
Friday, November 17, 2006
Online Marketing Degree
Thursday, November 16, 2006
Business Planning Help
Growthink, which offers planning services to both small and large businesses, has just completed Business Planning Help.
The Help Center provides free reports, calculators, sample plans, directories and other tools to help entrepreneurs and businesses develop their business plans and/or raise capital.
Growthink’s Business Plan Guide is one of the company’s most popular reports. This report is downloaded from the Web over 50,000 times per years. Let me mention just one segment of this popular report.
The 2006 version of the Business Plan Guide begins with a compelling prologue, “Why Business Plans Fail.” That title is sure to catch the attention of any serious member of the business community.
After surveying a broad array of financial sources, Growthink lists ten reasons why businesses fail to acquire the monetary support they require in order to succeed.
Here’s only one of the reasons: “Focusing Too Much on the Future.”
l’ll say no more. The interested business person can read just as well as I.
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Link Popularity
If you want to increase the link popularity of your website, you need to know what will help you the most. To begin, you need to attract search engines such as Google. If you do, these search engines will drive traffic to your site.
Google used to place greater importance on Page Rank than it does now. This change occurred because many clever people found ways to manipulate the Page Rank of their websites. Google still considers the Page Rank of a particular site, but it has also increased the importance it places on the total number of links received. It also considers the quality of the pages where links appear.
Google has recently begun using Latent Symantec Indexing (LSI). LSI determines how words are related to each other. Many website owners believe this refers to the words in their own sites. But Blogitive has analyzed these relationships and concluded that LSI focuses on the pages that links are coming from.
Given all these considerations, a website becomes more popular if it contains content not easily obtained elsewhere. And the best source of this content is blogs. Search engines go after this content like hungry children at a birthday party.
Blogitive was created to form a network of blogs containing unique content. It now has 2000 blogs in this network, and you're reading one of them. If you submit a web release (a short press release) to Blogitive, its bloggers will write about your web release and link to your website in any way you want, thereby increasing the link popularity of your site.
Literary Journals and Money
In over thirty years of submitting short stories and essays to literary journals, I first found it impossible to get my work accepted at all, regardless of the issue of payment. My work slowly improved over the years, and I now find that I’ve acquired a modest reputation and can get my stuff accepted about one time in every ten submissions. The odds have improved from zero to 10 percent.
Regarding the question of money, I’ve learned that even when I get my work accepted, I almost always receive nothing in payment except copies of the journals in which my submissions appear. Even prestigious literary journals pay very little. If you want to publish something of literary merit, submit to literary journals. If you want to make money, go into public relations.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Orlando Vacations
Why would anyone want to take a vacation in
Still not convinced? Consider this. Because the theme park business is so competitive, most parks are continually adding new rides and new attractions. So if you haven't been to
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
Best Gadgets
Are you the sort of person who wants to own the latest technological product before anyone else? Do you ever buy the best gadgets available and then think of ways to improve them, only to find that no one wants to listen to you? May I introduce you to Ron Sharon, the owner of Zetta Global? At Zetta Global, Mr. Sharon has established ZTMax, a major professional importer in the high-tech industry. After I introduce you, he won't run away and hide. ZTMax is "constantly on the lookout for the latest technology to offer our growing clientele," Mr. Sharon says.
As one example, ZTMax has begun selling the Multifunctional Digital Mini Speaker. This sleek mini speaker is digitized to provide a superb listening experience with your favorite music. Priced at $49.95, with its built-in lithium battery, this speaker can deliver hi-fi music for up to 10 hours. Do you have any suggestions for improvement? May I again introduce you to Mr. Sharon? He wants to listen to you.
Monday, November 06, 2006
The Maltese Ingot
For investors looking for gold bars of a safe and more conventional sort, the Monex Deposit Company (MDC) will not require you to follow the script of a
MDC has been
Many authorities believe that we have entered a period that makes investment in silver bars and
For individuals who prefer to protect their wealth and preserve their purchasing power by investing in gold, MDC can obtain it for you in either coins or bars. For gold falcons, you'll have to read a book or watch a movie.